Christiane's Recent Posts



Intuitive Living

– A practical guide for women who want to deeply trust themselves –

– A practical guide for women who want to deeply trust themselves –

The book I recently co-authored, Intuitive Living, has already reached bestseller’s status in 5 countries and 27 categories, with 24 other contributing authors.

The book’s mission is to enable women (in particular) to stop second guessing themselves, doubting their intuitive knowing, and putting everyone else first.

It is time to live in alignment with our own values, develop deep self-worth and not only recognise but also trust and act upon the whispers of our intuition.

Work With Me

Feminine Embodiment Coaching

Deeper femininity & embodiment

As self-lead women we are called to re-align ourselves to our embodied truth and how we want to lead our lives, relationships and businesses. For this it is essential to be in our bodies.

I support you to return home to the inherent wisdom of your body and the core of who you are. To lead your life from within and create long-lasting embodied transformation.

Awakened Woman

8 weeks to deeper love and pleasure with Yoni Eggs

Do you want to fill yourself with true love… while learning everything about the Yoni Egg and other sacred sexuality practices for modern-day women that expand your life on all levels?

About 75 percent of all women don’t reach orgasm from intercourse alone. This is your invitation to create a greater sense of intimacy with yourself – and your partner.


Hi, I’m Christiane!

I am a feminine leadership mentor and relationship coach and I support soulful women to connect to their feminine power at the deepest subconscious level so they can experience more love, intimacy and create the life they truly desire and deserve.

I am also a somatic healer, tantric mystic and I love rituals.

Since 2015 I have worked with more than 1,000 women privately. My work has touched women’s heart’s in more than 50 countries through trainings, Yoni Egg online programs and sessions at events such as the Tantra Festival Ibiza

I create a space for you where you feel safe to meet all parts of yourself with loving presence and unconditional acceptance in a deep somatic way. The light and shiny ones… as well as the dark and messy ones… All is welcome!

By using tantric tools like awareness, breathwork, sound, movement and energy I  guide you into your own inner body wisdom and meet the goddess that your really are.

I always thought that love is something I would find on the outside.

For a long time I held onto this fairytale dream that many women have, that one day the prince would come and save me with his love and that we would live happily ever after – unfortunately, that never happened.

After the death of my grandmother, who was my safe haven and the embodiment of unconditional love, my world collapsed. I developed anorexia, was bullied in school, all while becoming a young woman, with no real support or role models around me.

I searched for my apparently lost love in food, in shopping, in bars and clubs, in alcohol and drugs, in work, in sex, and in changing relationships with emotionally unavailable men. I felt unloved, wrong, and worthless.

I tried to fit in and became a perfect-looking and functioning woman. But deep down inside I felt empty, numb, and lonely.

At the age of 28, I had a burnout and depression. That was the beginning of my transformation journey and my female spiritual awakening.

I knew I couldn’t live like this anymore. Something had to change. I quit my so-called great and secure job in a leadership position, ended my relationship where I felt not happy, sold everything I had, and booked a one-way ticket to Asia to find out who I really am. My journey brought me to Thailand, India and Bali. I lived in ashrams, studied and practiced yoga, meditation, bodywork and tantra. In 2013 I met Amma, an enlightened master and teacher. She reminded me of the unconditional love of the Divine Mother and the deepest love within myself. This meeting changed everything for me because I was able to experience a taste of truth. During my yoga teacher training in India, I noticed my deep longing for more feminine energy in my life. I learned embodied movement, free dancing, and discovered a whole new world of meditation than just sitting silently for hours.

I read my first book on tantra, sobbed and kept thinking, “Yes, I always knew this was true.”

During my first tantric massage, I had a sexual awakening and made a vow to share these sacred temple arts with the whole world. I became a devoted student of Sofia Sundari and got fascinated by the magic of the Jade Egg practice. I assisted for over 250 hours in her Priestess School and taught Module 1. On my path I learned that love is the strongest powre and that everything is holy and divine. Including my humanity, my body, my sexuality and my feelings. Awakening my feminine essence and sexual power was the key for me to truly live and to create the life that I always desired. I created my first website, held my first retreat, developed my first online program and started working privately with women. For about 10 years I have searched for truth in tropical countries, wild adventures and eastern traditions. Then I felt called back to Europe to share all this wisdom with women here. I moved to Ibiza and met my beloved life partner Patrick Meijer. It is our deepest intention to explore the path of true love and conscious relationship together. At the moment I am studying at the Tantric Institute of Integrated Sexuality in Los Angeles and am in the process of becoming a certified and at the same time trauma-informed sex, love & relationship coach by the principles of Layla Martin.

It is my mission to help women to love themselves, discover their sacred feminine sexuality and true power, and live in fulfilling relationships.


Christiane Ameya is a feminine leadership mentor, trauma-informed sex, love & relationship coach, somatic healer, tantric mystic, author and above all, a woman.

It is my mission to help women to love themselves, discover their sacred feminine sexuality and true power, and live in fulfilling relationships.

Christiane Ameya

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