Johnathan White

Sexual KungFu

johnathan white


As a young man I knew there was something more to sexuality than what I had previously experienced. Like many teenagers in this modern world, I was addicted to porn, lacked confidence, I was stuck in dead-end jobs and unfulfilling relationships. One day after a girlfriend I was dating left me for a man she claimed “knew how to please her in bed unlike me”, and I decided I was sick of living a dull life.

I began studying with masters of Taoist sexuality, Tantra, Yoga, Qigong, and other healing modalities. Through this training I realized that growing up in this world, we are only taught how to spend our energy, but not how to regenerate it. These practices became a way for me to regenerate my energy, keeping me healthy, happy, energized, and full of vitality. I also learned the power of semen retention and Sexual Kung Fu.

Johnathan's Recent Posts


Multi-Orgasmic Man | 6 Week Course

“The individuals of greatest achievement tend to be those who have highly developed sexual natures and who have learned the art of sex transmutation.” – Napoleon Hill


As a young man I knew there was something more to sexuality than what I had previously experienced. Like many teenagers in this modern world, I was addicted to porn, lacked confidence, I was stuck in dead-end jobs and unfulfilling relationships. One day after a girlfriend I was dating left me for a man she claimed “knew how to please her in bed unlike me”, and I decided I was sick of living a dull life.

I began studying with masters of Taoist sexuality, Tantra, Yoga, Qigong, and other healing modalities. Through this training I realized that growing up in this world, we are only taught how to spend our energy, but not how to regenerate it. These practices became a way for me to regenerate my energy, keeping me healthy, happy, energized, and full of vitality. I also learned the power of semen retention and Sexual Kung Fu.

“Kung Fu” means that which requires skill, a daily discipline. Sexual Kung Fu is the art of mastering your sexual energy, transmuting this energy into all aspects of life, becoming a multi-orgasmic man, and having complete sexual control. By implementing Qigong, Yoga, Breathwork, and Meditation, I’ve helped hundreds of men around the world overcome sexual dysfunction and limitations, and become masters in the bedroom.

The world is full of sexual traumas and issues… we are all obsessed with sex, but unfortunately this obsession gets acted out in unhealthy ways. Men typically use sex as a method of discharging their energy to relieve stress, instead of harnessing the sexual potential to rebirth themselves and create their ideal life. My mission is to educate YOU to overcome limitations, whether these are limitations in the bedroom or out in your daily life. I’m here to help you MASTER your sexual energy so that you can MAGNETIZE your ideal life.

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See you soon!

Johnathan White

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