My name is Lin Lovely and I am a tantra teacher, couples counsellor & sex coach
I’am here to guide you through a powerful program with interesting scientific theories that will increase your understanding of your self and your patterns. I will share practices from tantra, hypnoses, yoga, NLP and meditation to allow you to reprogram your relationship to pleasure, love and sexuality.
Many thousands of students worldwide have seen effects, not only in their love life, but one all other areas in life from the powerful and integrated practices that I offer you here in an online format.
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Katrina is a wonder-filled woman who’s wide heart and eyes open a space for exploration and intimacy with her genuine, giving spirit. I feel safe going into any experience knowing that she is my guide.
This book is essential for anyone who is wanting to deepen their spiritual practice and learn some techniques to get more in touch with her inner goddess! I absolutely love this book and always recommend to friends. It has journal prompts, meditations, moon rituals, a section on chakras, and a few guided practices to increase self love!! In the back there’s a section that teaches you about goddesses from different religions. Thank you Krystal for sharing this book with us!
Your sexuality as a man gives you revitalization, relaxation and satisfaction in your everyday. You sexuality is also a way to come closer to your partner without using words and a way to be seen and to be loved for who you are. The masculine energy is present, sharp, powerful and stable, within the classical tantra the mans sex is called Lingam. Lingam means pillar of light and is a symbol for presence and pure consciousness.
Your sexuality as a man gives you revitalization, relaxation and satisfaction in your everyday. You sexuality is also a way to come closer to your partner without using words and a way to be seen and to be loved for who you are. The masculine energy is present, sharp, powerful and stable, within the classical tantra the mans sex is called Lingam. Lingam means pillar of light and is a symbol for presence and pure consciousness.
Lin started her journey with the primordial shamanism of the north, she continued study Advaita Vedanta and later crazy wisdom, neotantra, NLP and therapy. She weaves modern psychology and science with the traditional practices of tantra and she is the bridge between the material and spiritual world.
After a powerful and life changing kundalini awakening in 2011 she follows the inner truth and her passion is to see people’s awakening and to guide them through this intense experiences. Lin works with pleasure as healing method and she facilitates tantra groups and trainings all over the globe.
“With me, you are met in non judgemental presence around the deepest questions of life. I create spaces for growth through presence, celebration, ecstasy and honesty.
One of my bigest gifts is my ability to take pleasure from life. I take pleasure from small and simple moments, but I also create space for deep and transforming ecstasy. This is something that I am more than happy to share with you. It is a technolgy that with simple means is easy to embody and which affects your life in all areas.
With me, you are safe to open up your most vulnerable and receive authentic – unconditional love.”
“Love is an art and when love flows; inspiration, vitality, openness and pleasure flows in your life as well. When love flows, life becomes full of magic moments and connections in love. But when for some reason love does not flow, then it is an art to love.
The Art of Love is run by Lin who, in collaboration with the world’s most prominent and inspiring coaches, lecturers and teachers, creates evolving spaces for a life in flow, and a life in love.”
My name is Lin Lovely and I am a tantra teacher, couples counsellor & sex coach
Lin is a world traveling Tantra Therapist and with two decades of experience in health, personal development, meditation and sexuality Lin has guided many thousands of people towards a more open and loving attitude to themselves and to life. Lin works with pleasure and orgasm as a way to raise your energy and create expanded states of consciousness and physical health. Her groundbreaking methods are based on tantra, taoism, energy work, dearmouring, coaching and yoga therapy. Lin’s approach is deeply accepting and deeply integrated in science – and with her you are safe to open up all of you. Her passion is global awakening and a world in peace and she knows that peace starts within every being’s heart and that YOU and the way you love yourself are important for the future generations and for the planet.