For me Tantra is all about transformation and evolution of consciousness, which brings ultimate freedom. Extremely liberating, Tantra is a balsam for the soul that is both optimistic and enlivening. Its practice and a lifestyle facilitates inner awakening to our own divinity and the divinity in all things. All is Shakti and therefore sacred. With this in mind we can see life experiences with eyes of wisdom, as all of life is our teacher and we are in the arms of the Great Mother. The more we open and surrender the more we receive. We can begin to feel and sense universal energies, understand why things happen and feel a greater sense of joy just to be alive.
Tantra is that which lifts the veil to other levels of existence previously unknown to us. These methods are both sacred and secret; yet are revealed in the proper moment. Life becomes a dance, a beautiful manifestation of love and higher expressions of the truth that is within, as well as the mystical aspects of the cosmic realm. Tantra is a gift to humanity as it guides the soul to its own potential that was previously dormant, while giving permission for total happiness and satisfaction while living in the world. It unites that which we can touch and see with that that is beyond the senses. Ultimate union, bliss and heightened intuition become naturally established in the Tantrika who takes up this path with enthusiasm, devotion and surrender.
Gopika's Recent Posts
“I can testify that after my visit to Shanti Yoga Ashram almost two years ago, I am continuing to feel the unfolding of the potent energy that was transmitted there. When I first came to the ashram I was suffering from numerous health issues both physical and psychological. After one month of training I felt better than I had ever felt in my entire life. In my first class with Guruji I was freed from the physical pain that had hindered my meditation practice. With Gopika’s guidance and teachings on Ayurveda I learned how to truly live a yogic lifestyle, incorporating these teachings into the modern western lifestyle I am living now. What a gift! I am full of gratitude for everyone who has helped in bringing the eastern wisdom to the western world. We are so very in need of this science at this time! Thank you to the whole ashram family. ? Hari om”
I loved working with Yogini Gopika. I started working with her after experiencing deep grief. She taught me techniques to heal my body and my soul. We started with simple nourishing warm foods, then with movement and finally with some meditations. I still use the tools that Yogini Gopika taught me on a daily basis. I know how to incorporate the herbs and foods when I am feeling out of sorts. She is kind and compassionate and helped me through a very difficult time.
“I’m grateful that Gopika introduced me to the tantric yoga techniques. I much appreciated how she transmitted me the knowledge: in a beautiful, feminine attitude. I very much enjoyed her words and vision of beauty, which created a lively picture of the Divine Mother in my subconsciousness. I’m so grateful for this, because it gives me strong motivation and stamina to do my daily sadhana; to become a vessel to reconnect again and again with this beautiful energy of the Divine Mother. The yoga nidra was magical, Gopika guided me into an alchemical, mesmerized state of consciousness which I perceived as a source of healing and creativity. I strongly recommend working with her. THANK YOU! “
Body Temple
“I am more than just a woman.
I am a temple. I am of and for the Gods.
If you cannot come to me as divine
then do not come to me at all.”
— Mayahuasca
Would you like to be inspired on your journey towards embracing your own inner magnificence? Are you ready to transform into your highest expression of your inner potential? Would you like loving support as you begin to manifest an enchanted existence?
Private Yoga Classes in the Comfort of Your Own Home – Balance Mind, Body, & Spirit – One-on-One Sessions – For you and your significant other – Group Classes for you and your friends
In Tantra, the feminine Shakti is creative power. She is The Vessel for consciousness Shiva to flow, her counterpart the masculine.
Our birthright as women is to remember who we are, through embodying Shakti the most powerful form of energy in the Universe.
Since Yogini Gopika was a young girl, she was in love with the deep beauty and peace found in Nature. For her, life was always full of magic and mystery. Upon getting her first “real job” after college, she can remember a heartfelt longing for something greater: “there must be more to life than this”. Once she discovered yoga, everything transformed and she made a swift exit from mainstream society in search of life’s true meaning.
She journeyed to India and made her home in Vrindavan, the land of Radha Krishna; where every step is a dance and every word is a song. Her life fell into a rhythm with the Universe and the Divine. Everything became spiritualized. Living in this ancient holy place known for awakening prema; (divine ecstatic love) brought about purification of her heart.
Immersion in the culture of bhakti and deep sadhana opened a portal through which Gopika began to restructure her personality and raise her consciousness. Ayurveda, the art of living in exquisite balance, gave her the foundation on which to create greater harmony within herself and the outside world. In her quest for enlightenment; self- love and self-care became paramount as she faced many challenges that would later become strengths. Her outer journey turned inward.
Gopika began to question the external expectations and conservatism that she found all around her in traditional India. There was a deep desire for a more authentic and spontaneous approach to spirituality. She realized she had taken a detour, by sacrificing too much for her beloved, as many women do, and giving away her personal power; fearing her own magnificence and its implications. Facing the dark depths of her soul; supported by the universe, she was able to gradually embrace self sovereignty; just like the metamorphosis a caterpillar makes into a butterfly. Stepping out of the small self and into her personal power was a big lesson on Gopika’s path towards the expression of her soul’s innate beauty.
All this time she was naturally practicing Tantra, weaving together spiritual practices with her own intuitive capacities, to create a more boundless and fearless existence. Her purpose has always been intuitively Tantric: to expand and move beyond limitations to bring out her fullest potential. Her mission is to use her gifts to inspire others to do the same. It is her greatest joy to share the light and love that yoga’s wisdom has to offer; guiding others to find their own unique expression of a deeply satisfying soulful life, an enchanted existence.
Gopika has been teaching yoga’s essence for the past 16 years in India, Nepal and the USA. Her expertise includes a variety of yoga classes, personal coaching, seminars on holistic wellness, Goddess Embodiment programs and Tantra Yoga Teacher Training courses.
Tantra Yoga Teacher Training 500 Hours, Shanti Yoga Ashram, Nepal (Yogi Prakash)
- Vinyasa Yoga Teacher Training 200 Hours, Atmananda Yoga Center, NYC
- Hatha Yoga Teacher Training 200 Hours, Integral Yoga Institute, NYC – Yoga Alliance
- Ayurvedic Lifestyle Counselor, American Institute of Vedic Studies (Dr. David Frawley)
- Maharishi Ayurveda Practitioner Training/ Apprenticeship, Harit Spa, Madrid, Spain (Pilar Franco)
In Appreciations:
>> www.premyogavaranasi.com
>> www.yoginikamadevi.com
>> radhagopinath.com/new/
>> http://www.atmaramadasa.org/index.html
>> https://www.ayurvedasalud.com/
Thank you to my dear mother, Denise Whitney, for teaching me about life’s enchantment. Because of you, I was unafraid to follow my heart’s inner calling. Your love has carried me through life. I learned the divine feminine arts of beauty, self-care and enjoyment of life’s simple pleasures. My sense of self and inner confidence is a result of your motherly nourishment throughout my life.
Hari Om Tat Sat.
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Please feel free to connect with me if you would like to know more about The Inner Yogini programs. It would be my joy and privilege to guide you on the path of awakening your highest potential. May you be blessed and protected by the Great Goddess always.
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