TantraLovers | Online Tantra Community Platform has been carefully design to help you on your spiritual path of Tantra. Whether you’re looking for a professional guidance, inspiration, online education, or you just would like to connect with other conscious living people with interest in Spirituality and Tantra, this is the right place for you.

Our Tantra Magazine provides inspiration for conscious living people with interest in Tantra and Spirituality. Launched as a digital magazine in 2019, our magazine is now becoming a complete resource including posts, courses, events and other information related to Tantra and other Spiritual Practices. We draw from the wisdom of many professionals in the field but also give opportunities to new authors with talents who want to contribute with their valuable content.

Choose among Free or Paid Tantra Courses and study tantra at your own pace at the comfort of your home. Take advantage of knowledge, wisdom and experience of our registered experienced tantra teachers who share their life experience in a form of an online course. These can include variety of topics such as sacred sexuality, energy exchange, meditation, spirituality, ancient practices, love, sex and more.

Are you looking to attend a tantric event, workshop or retreat? Our Tantra Magazine lists most recent happenings published by our member teachers. You can also check out our Events list, to see full list of events. We have established good relationships with our registered teachers and only publicize those people really like. Maybe you will also be lucky to get a discount on some of the retreats published on our website, just keep checking up!

We’re new online tantric community with growing number of registered Tantra Professionals. If you’re looking for professionals with skills, talents and wisdom, this community is the right place for you. Search through our members and choose tantra teacher or tantric healer you feel is right for you.

Would you like to become a TantraLovers contributor?

TantraLovers is one of the most popular and only one of it’s kind blogging community related to Tantria and other Spiritual Practices. Being a community blog, we always encourage upcoming bloggers to contribute an original article related to the topic of our Tantric Magazine in order to showcase themselves in front of a wide audience. The purpose here is to help you to reach out to a new audience base, share your talents, and perhaps most importantly, give something back to the community.

Before you join our bloggers who have already contributed to TantraLovers community, let us lay down some conditions, so our readers get the content they deserve:

  • You have to be a blogger or a genuine reader who has something to write and share for our community.
  • You need to write a unique content that is focused on quality and adding value for our readers.
  • Your post should be personal to you. The greatest value you can bring in writing a post for TantraLovers is about your own relationship with Tantra and other spiritual practices related to this topic.
  • Your article must be original. You must not copy posts from other sites, or your own. Posts on TantraLovers must be unique.
  • You must be willing for the content to be re-used by us in any way we see fit. We will have the right to publish, edit and reproduce your post in any format we see fit (always attributed to you).
  • You should respond to comments when your post is published. This will keep the blog healthy and will also expose you to a wider audience.

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    2025 TantraLovers | Online Tantric Community A meeting point of tantricas around the globe


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