Embody your sexual

and emotional Power


About Embodied Awakening: Australasia’s Tantric Arts Academy of choice offering training in life, love and service.  It is an integrative, feminine approach in its style, guiding people all around the world to live in their ease, joy and power. Embodied Awakening not only offers spiritual retreats, sessions and online courses but also boutique Tantric Bodywork Training  which will help you to develop your own signature style as bodyworkers and healers.

To complete any of Embodied Awakening’s Tantra Trainings or Spiritual Retreats, you are choosing to deepen your personal spiritual practice by accessing the keys to live a fully embodied life and if you choose, to serve others as a Practitioner. As well as a foundation to your personal growth, Embodied Awakening offers incredibly potent healings for your personal relationships and business.

Embodied Awakening’s training, courses and retreats are all  based on the healing foundations of Presence, Breath, Sound, Movement & Touch. They help you to access and integrate all three centres (Animal, Heart and Consciouness) and allow you to find and develop our own gifts.

‘The depth we can work with others is directly related to the depth of our own self practice and journey’ – as such, the Embodied Awakening Academy is a fluid combination of technique mixed with deep personal healing.

Working with Embodied Awakening is a deep initiation into wholeness, the path of awakening and Tantra and the art of sacred sexuality. The journey of exploration includes body work, creative expression, sounding and finding feminine flow in the body while dancing, moving and shaking/tremoring and also while in deep somatic meditation.

Chantelle's & Aaron's Recent Posts



Online Sessions

Sessions with Chantelle

Sessions with Aaron


Chantelle is the Founder & primary teacher of the Embodied Awakening Academy

Chantelle has a passion for spiritual awakening, a deep love for people and a unique understanding of the psyche, the body and sexuality. Originally trained as a lawyer (LLB, University of Melbourne) with Hons in Philosophy, Chantelle went on to complete two years training in Rudolf Steiner Education, followed by the completion of a certificate in Holistic Counselling. A committed mother of two, her career started in wellness and women’s health whilst at the same time pursuing a corporate career, working her way up to become CEO of an interstate sales business. When Chantelle experienced a massive personal health crisis (cervical cancer) she then placed all her time and commitment into the alternative healing arts where she uncovered her heart’s vocation in Tantra.

Not long after surrendering to her calling, Chantelle trained with one of the world’s largest contemporary sacred-sexuality training organisations.  After supporting on trainings for several years and learning under some of the best Tantra Teachers in the world, she became a facilitator and trainer, covering Australia, Europe, Asia and the Middle-East. Chantelle has been working in the field of human development for almost two decades now and has dedicated her life to supporting individuals and groups across the planet to awaken consciousness in our sexuality and in our bodies, to release sexual trauma and de-armour blocks in the subtle body, to bring more awareness to the relationship between the inner and outer masculine and to awaken the deep feminine in women’s work.

Chantelle resides in Perth, balancing her professional life of writing, private-practice, facilitating womens work, workshops and travel with her much beloved family.  She has a particular interest in supporting women to deepen in their love for themselves and others, and does so through The Living Tantra Series, as well as residential and online trainings and coaching.


Aaron serves as the Divine Masculine Teacher of Embodied Awakening & Tantric Practitioner

Aaron is a Transformational Sex and Relationship Coach & Facilitator. He came from a childhood of complete chaos, dysfunction and at a young age completely lost faith in humanity. After attending the prestigious US Merchant Marine Academy, he found a great job, travelled the world and made tons of money, but realized he wanted more. His soul journey brought him close to death numerous times on both the high seas and his travels to remotes places across the globe.

Through these experiences he realized that life is not about personal achievements and egotistic desires, but rather about deep soul remembrance and fulfilling one’s dharma. He has learned from the great masters in the field of sexuality and transformation, including earning a master’s degree in spiritual psychology. Now he helps his clients remember who they truly are in order to awaken their inner erotic wisdom.

Aaron went from being a licensed captain navigating ships to a sexual behaviour and movement specialist navigating souls. His workshops, retreats, sessions and speeches help humans integrate body movement, psychology, sexuality and spirituality. He speaks and shares honestly and transparently so that others can unlock the real reason for their human existence. Aaron is now fulfilling his own dharma and has dedicated his life to helping humanity wake up and remember their soul’s unique gift.



Australasia’s Tantric Arts Academy of choice offering training in life, love and service.  It is an integrative, feminine approach in its style, guiding people all around the world to live in their ease, joy and power. Embodied Awakening not only offers spiritual retreats, sessions and online courses but also boutique Tantric Bodywork Training  which will help you to develop your own signature style as bodyworkers and healers.


Chantelle & Aaron

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