This is a 14-day journey of integrating your empathic and intuitive abilities into a world that is just catching up.

Truthfully, everyone is empathic (can feel the emotions of others) and intuitive (can follow inner guidance). Today, there are many who is connecting with these gifts deeply, and are having some real difficulties.

What I think is wonderful is that it is all just part of the transition into a very different world and a very different way of interacting with each other and experiencing our lives.

And so, I have put together new articles and videos that will take you on a two-week journey of exploring how to integrate these gifts into the world and into ourselves. How to really embrace them and not let them drive us crazy in a world that is also adjusting, changing and really struggling in the process.

2025 TantraLovers | Online Tantric Community A meeting point of tantricas around the globe


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