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Intuitive Living

– A practical guide for women who want to deeply trust themselves –

– A practical guide for women who want to deeply trust themselves –

The book I recently co-authored, Intuitive Living, has already reached bestseller’s status in 5 countries and 27 categories, with 24 other contributing authors.

The book’s mission is to enable women (in particular) to stop second guessing themselves, doubting their intuitive knowing, and putting everyone else first.

It is time to live in alignment with our own values, develop deep self-worth and not only recognise but also trust and act upon the whispers of our intuition.

Work With Me


Dear Goddess,

Let me guide you on how to tap into your Sacred Femininity so that you can clear energetic blocks, shift from running on your masculine energy and feel free in your body.


Dear King,

Do you want to raise your sexual consciousness?
Are you ready to master the bedroom arts?


Hi, I’m Yulia Rose.

Have you struggled with numbness, sexual shame, low self-confidence, not being in your feminine power, or trusting your intuition?

I once did, as well. Just like you, I discovered that I had a lot of numbness and disconnection from my body. I truly desired more pleasure, orgasms, and empowerment in all areas of my life.

It wasn’t until I chose to prioritize my healing and reclaim my sexual sovereignty that I opened myself to receive support.

My journey of sexual healing & divine feminine awakening began.

When I started prioritizing my self-pleasure practice, loving the skin that I am in, and reconnecting to my sexuality, I noticed the limiting beliefs I carried. The biggest struggle was believing in myself, that I was good enough and worthy of being loved.

Through every healing session, I let myself release the old stories, self-doubt, unresolved trauma and sense of lack within myself. I started to love myself more and remember my power, passions, and soul mission. For me, the Key was implementing and grounding the exact practices in The Pleasure Path.

When I finally prioritized my well-being and dedicated time to implement these practices, they helped me be in my body, create self-awareness, and be open to receiving more profound pleasure.

The numbness in my vulva transformed into pleasure. My intimate relationships got deeper & juicier, and I showed up more authentic in my truth. My Abundance increased while I learned to embody my sensuality and gained more confidence.

Showing up for yourself through practice and aligning yourself to receptivity is one of THE most crucial things you can do to help heal your body.

My Role In Guiding You…

I am a Sacred Sexual Embodiment Coach and certified practitioner in Tantra, Tantric Massage, Taoism, Shamanism, Theta Healing, Integrated Energy Therapy I & II, Mediumship, & Reiki I & II & an initiated Priestess with a Bachelor’s Degree in Bussines Arts.

I love weaving Spirituality with Sexuality in love, sex, dating, & relationships…

I have studied under elite leaders such as Sashi Solluna, Minke DeVos, Mantak Chia & Margo Anand in the niche of love, relationships, tantric sexuality & conscious dating.

With my training and expertise, I guide you to access your own sensuality, higher wisdom and deepen self-love.

I support you in becoming and embodying the best version of yourself. It is my desire to share this transformational healing with you.

Many of us have been told we’re not strong, smart, worthy, or good enough. We have suppressed our most powerful gifts: intuition, compassion, passion, and courage. We often believe that we can’t change, that we are stuck in chaos, or that we are victims. I’m here to lead you to reconnect with your sensuality, your power so that you feel at home in your body, and so that you play big and bold for the rest of your life.

Through releasing your limiting beliefs, healing your traumas, and connecting with yourself, you will step into your embodied empowerment.

My role is to guide you through this massive transition and help you unapologetically express your soul.

Do you ever wonder, “Is this all there is?”

“How do I go from feeling numb to living a life full of passion?

You must first journey into your own underworld…the dark, shadowy recesses reflected in your reality.

I’ve already been initiated.

I have the tools to get you to everything you desire on the other side of fear.

*radical love & acceptance


*emotional freedom

*liberation from shame & conditioning

*remove your blocks from the love & sex you desire

*voice your desires & needs

*remember who you truly are…a powerful & royal being.

Do you long for love that feels pure & authentic, erotic & divine?

Most of us are blind to what is really blocking us from what we desire in life.

I help you see for yourself what is blocking you from true love & amazing sex, so you can manifest the relationship you desire.

Are you ready to let go of control, surrender to the unknown, & work in partnership with me to have the sex, love, & relationships you desire?

It is no coincidence you are reading this now.

The key to open your heart & call in all you desire.


Christiane Ameya is a feminine leadership mentor, trauma-informed sex, love & relationship coach, somatic healer, tantric mystic, author and above all, a woman.

It is my mission to help women to love themselves, discover their sacred feminine sexuality and true power, and live in fulfilling relationships.

Christiane Ameya

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