…love love love…

Following post is conributed by our guest blogger Neeharika
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Aaah February … the month of LOVE!

I have lost count of the number of discussions had on the true nature of love. It might seem like a beautiful topic but its content has sparked much a heated debate and outrage amongst friends and strangers alike. What is this love that we speak of and can it ever truly be unconditional? Is it something that just happens to us when we meet the right person, or is there something deeper and more meaningful behind the seeming bourgeoise nature of relationships, romance and the very essence of life itself.

Many believe that the whole idea of love as unconditional and untainted is nothing more than a ruse. Understandably so, as it is something so foreign to us, yet it is the very nature of our existence and a truth that we have so sadly forgotten. Love at the level of the ego has become something that is measurable. How much you love a person is dependant on how many others you love and in what kinds of ways. It has become an obscure and quantifiable object that ought to be placed in various compartments of the heart, of which there is only a certain amount of space. If one wishes to add more, the only logical thing to do would be to remove another to make room.

The jump from ego to the heart is the greatest and most difficult. We are so attached to our ideas of what it means to be in romantic partnerships, the boundaries we have set up and the behaviours that will either be tolerated or condoned. In this sense, love has become something that is given if it so pleases us and can be taken away at will.

The truth is:

“Love is not happening. Love is being. Love is not an act. Love is existence. Love is not emotion, it is your very nature.” Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Once you can truly grasp this concept you move from a place of fear and control, awakening to a profound knowing that what they have been saying all along is really true: in love anything is possible.


Hajnalka Cecilia

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1 Comment
  1. Ralph Kelley 9 months ago

    Thank y’all Hajnalka Cecilia for sharing this insightful and inspirational message with the group. Y’all are more appreciated than imagined.

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