let go of attachment

Let Go Of Attachment

How To Turn Giving And Receiving Pleasure Into A Spiritual Workshop That Gets You Off

Following post is contributed by our guest blogger Somraj Pokras from Tantra at Tahoe
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I’m reading a fascinating little book called “The Last Meditations of Anthony de Mello.”. He was a Jesuit priest turned Eastern mystic and had an ashram in India who wrote about attachment very eloquently.

In the spiritual sense, attachment means the kind of energetic connection a person has when they believe someone or something else is what makes them happy. You know, like clinging. Someone who hangs on your every word and always agrees with you so you never know what they’re thinking and feeling. They’re attached to you and you may not like it.

So what’s this got to do with Supreme Bliss Tantra? A healthy relationship with yourself or with your partner depends in large part on unattachment. If you can’t be happy without getting off every day, you’re attached to orgasm. If your lover’s mood determines your mood, then you’re attached to their happiness

When you let go of attachment you gain the consciousness and connection to your own energy. When you tune in to your inner being and listen to what floats your cork, you can navigate that mysterious inner spiritual world and connect with your innate sources of joy and pleasure.

Tantric Lovemaking is unattached. Each lover recognizes that they’re 100% responsible for their own pleasure. That doesn’t mean you’re disconnected. Rather, when you’re touched, you fully embrace the sensation and direct it to flood your energy channels. Instead of being distant and aloof or self-contained, you ask for exactly what you want.

But without much expectation. “Lick me right there just like that, baby” is only a juicy invitation, not a demand. So if it doesn’t happen, no big deal. Look for something else that sends waves all the way to your toes that your lover likes to do for you.

Unattached giving is a major part of Tantric Sex, too. If you’re attached to making your honey come big time right now, you’ll miss the delight of the journey. Her heat, her smell, her taste. When the tingle that your fingertips create in your lover’s body spreads throughout your own without agenda, then you’ll know what unattached giving really means. If all you’re thinking about is technique, what do I do next to make her scream or make him cum in my mouth, you might well be missing the energetic orgasm that her smell or his taste could ignite in you.

Forget about orgasm. Let whatever happens, happen. Play without agenda. Enjoy every jolt and nuance leaving your expectations behind.

Can you see that if approached this way, sex becomes a meditation. Clearing your mind and opening your heart becomes a fun internal workshop of personal spiritual growth. Being in the moment means letting of what happened before – good and bad – and focusing deeply on what you’re both feeling right now regardless of what happens next. Dwell on the now and you might just be swept away.

And your sweetie will love the attention and devotion. And your body will writhe and swoon from how intensely sexual energy surges through you.

Or to put it simply, if you want the Big O, relax and let it come to you.

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